Great Southern

Working alongside individuals to optimise everyday tasks and improve quality of life.

Occupational Therapy


  • Working alongside participants in the familiarity and comfort of their own space, providing goal orientated therapy services to promote independence and inclusion

  • A holistic asessment of the individuals ability to perform day to day tasks

  • Supporting participants and promoting independence and social engagement through the use of equipment and small aids

What we do

Occupational Therapists work with the barriers that affect someones social, physical and emotional needs.

At Great Southern Occupational Therapy, we primarily work alongside NDIS participants. Our approach to care involves a person centred, holistic and strength based approach to help overcome challenges and improve wellbeing.

Contact Us

We endeavour to cater to any communication requests you may have, and look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: 0427 868 918



Location: Servicing Albany and the Great Southern, Western Australia